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  1. 中英文論文摘要:中文摘要500字為限、英文摘要300字為限、各含3-5個關鍵詞。



  2. 中英文標題、作者、服務單位。

  3. 格式:A4用紙,內頁範圍15.5*24.5;標題用16點字,作者用15點字,內文用12點字;標楷體(中文),Times New Roman(英文);首行縮排1cm、單行間距。

Submission Format

  1. Title, affiliation and content should be written in both Chinese and English.


  2. Chinese (500 words Max.); English (300 words Max.), 3-5 keywords

  3. Format: A4 (Margins: 2.6cm (Top/Bottom), 2.7cm (Left/Right)); Title (16pt), Author information (15pt), Content (12pt); 標楷體(Chinese), Times New Roman (English); an indent on the first line of 1 centimeter, single-spaced.




  • 語言: 英文;口頭發表時間為25分鐘(含5分鐘討論)。

  • 進行全文外審後,外審通過者得發表於朝陽人文學刊特刊中。

  • 朝陽人文學刊特刊將以電子檔方式發布至本系系網,將不另額外提供紙本。

  • 全文格式規定:


  • 語言: 英文; 發表時間為60分鐘,請發表人於現場與其他與會人員討論和互動。

  • 請發表人務必自行攜帶海報於規定時間內完成報到及張貼海報於會場指定地點,並於規定時間前5分鐘就位,以利海報發表進行。


Presentation Format

Oral Presentation Session

  1. Language: English; Oral presentation session is 25 minutes including a 5-minute Q&A.

  2. Publication: After the full paper review and with the author’s consent, the accepted paper will be published in the Special issue of Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN 1684-6443)

  3. The electronic version of the Special issue will be available for download on the conference website in October 2018. Please note that the hard-copy will not be provided. 

  4. Full-paper Format:

Poster Session

  1.  English only; session time is 60 minutes.

  2.  The presenters should print and bring the poster to the conference; please be ready 5 minutes before the session begins.

** The Special Issue will only include the full-text of the oral presentation session.

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